Thursday, December 18, 2008

Delicious Marag Bamya

First of all, I feel safe to say that readers discretion is advised due to the unusual contents of this post (needless to say the readings will double because of what I just said).

edarat el blog,

Drugs are administered, as most of you know, via different routes. Some pills are faster absorbed when put under the tounge (sublingual), or you could simply swallow it (oral). You also have your usual needles; to the muscle (muscular), skin (subcutaneous), and veins (intravenous). Did I leave any out? Oh yeah... anal drug administration.
For those of you who don't know what anal means, I'll spare you the googling adventure because that might develope into an addiction that I am not yet ready to be either held responsible or thanked for.
Anal drug administration is basically taking a pill (size of 5 jelly beans fused together) waxed up and shoved up your butty. It's a fact that your rectum (the inside of your bum) has a wall that's thin and rich with blood vessels. Which means the drug is readily absorbed in there (lucky you!).
Here's what parents (guided by the doctor are the ones who take the honor of jamming the pill in your private parts) don't know/feel what goes on in the recievers mind (yours truly).
As a normal growing kid... I get sick often and go through the excruciating experience of visiting the pediatrition and having him stick his fingers down my lungs through my mouth looking for infections (while I end up having a simple cough).
One day I remember in paticular (guess why) I guess I coughed again so.... Usual routine, go to peds, stick hand down to belly button through mouth, prescribe, and leave to pharmacy to pick up meds. I came back home to continue playing my vedio game. After a short while I hear my mom calling me, so I get up to get my load of medications (like I said I know the routine). But here's the shocker.... my mom sitting on the couch holding a relatively big white pill and asking me to take my pants off.
At that time I was too young for cognitive thinking, but I knew at once that there's nothing good about a parent asking you to take your pants off outside the bathroom..... because when they do ask you this... you either have done it on yourself or they just want to make sure you haven't done it on yourself..... ANY little raskle could draw that reasoning. And at that time ladies and gentlemen.. I was pretty sure that I hadn't done ANYTHING on myself, so the reason why my mom wanted me to tke off my pants was well beyond my ability to understand.
Anywho... I trusted my mom a lot (past tense)... so off with my jungle book pants and on my moms lap. She asks me to turn on my belly... here I started to question her by asking "mama ma ra7 akil el 7abba?" she simply said "la 7abeebi hathi tro7 mokan thani"..............
Here, my dear friends..... I realized how screwed I was. Because unless she's going to tape that pill on my back (and who does that?) The pill is going down my dodo hole. My pride and innocence got injured that day as she slowly shoves the pill up my poor tush. 3 seconds felt like.. well 3 seconds, but very very uncomfy 3 seconds for a young kid. It felt like I was violated by a small pill.
"khala9 7asooni we're done"... Done, she said. I got punk'd that day by the closest person to me. I walked away with my butt cheecks clenched and squeezed together so hard I think they fused together for quite a while....... It really hurts.
Physical hurt? No.. more like mental.
I remember not trusting my mom after that for a very long time........ she just regained my trust when she cooked my favourite marag bamya yesterday! :) thanks mom... I'll bury the hatchet. ;*

p.s. It's called "Ta7meela" bil kuwaiti


At 8:18 AM, Blogger 3anooda said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL man im so lucky il7amdila mat-thakar abadan ini sawait ta7meela

lakin i bet it taught u never to cough in front of ur mom. LOOOOOL

At 6:09 AM, Blogger eshda3wa said...



aham shay el lesson about drug administration

you have made all of us a little smarter :)

At 8:12 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

well my mom didn't stop at that ta7meela... I don't want to say i got use to it either but it seemed to have resolved a lot of health problems except the occasional nightmares.

my pleasure Dctora :) all of my readers are top notch!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger No3iK said...


yakirhik butt o bamya o madre shino

like everytime ill have marag bamya ill have to remember TA7AMEEEL! for some reason ..

SHKIRHIK 7ason !! xp

ok and now im picturing me doing this to poor poor 3bod .. already decided .. his daddy will be doing all of these stuff .. hathy sowalif riyayel, ana mali sh`3l ;p

At 2:19 AM, Blogger Mar8adoosh said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOL that same thing happened to me but with an injection :p euww ta7meela loooool

At 5:11 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

lol yeah you dodged the bullet on this one thanks to me. as for the bamya... i didn't know that you were such a bamya fan i would've chosen another dish.

halaw halaw :) yeah i'm the only person among my seblings who was lucky enough to have it. I literaly took it up the butt. ;P welcome to the blog dear

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Balqees said...


is it weird eni knt a7b alt7meela :S

a7sn mn eni abl3ah :P

At 9:48 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

emmm.. do you still take it? (please say no)

At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


kel marrah agra el post a'67ak ! it's so funny :P

At 7:10 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

7mdilla wil shikir ;P

At 4:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


First off, thanks for the laugh, as I was feeling really crappy before, and the part where you said "butty", like a special pet name for "butt" made me laugh my little heart out.

So,thanks. :P

And btw, marag bamya kicks big "butty".


Thanks again.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger 7asoon said...

no problemoooo i'm glad you find my injured childhood amusing!! (JUST KIDDING!) :) thank you for stopping by.

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol,anytime,I look forward to your next blog entries :D


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