Tuesday, May 22, 2007

dolce de 7asoon

yes fellow bloggers and readers.. I'm alive and kicking! :)
It's funny how we human beings throw responsibiliteis at each other all the time... EVEN, hear this, even at ourselves! how?
for example, I open up blogspot.com and get ready for a nice juicy blog-in for you guys. ten mimutes later, all I have on my screen is "guwa ya jema3at il rabi3" along with some finger prints of a couple of my friends (khalood el thoor o0 bo hashim el qazam!) so I end up closing the thing and leaving the mission of writing the post to future 7asoon.... because current 7asoon is obviously too complicated to write a simple post! see what happened there is not a switch of responsibilities.. I rather call it the shove-it-up-your-own-butty technique where you leave your task to the future you rather than the current you.
Ladies and Gents what I was saying, put simply, is that I'm a huge procrostinator..
Glad to be back.. I promise I'll post from now and then ;)
Thank you all and especially those who kept harrasing me thru the comment box in the previous post :D
love y'all ya jema3at el rabi3!


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Amola said...

Welcome Back

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

taw el nas ;|

At 4:00 PM, Blogger eshda3wa said...


i want my fone back

the 1 i threw at u!

At 4:11 PM, Blogger 7asoon said...

thank you dear :)

ga3d a2alif ketaab 6abkh 6al 3omrich min chethi ensha'3alt ;D

be3ta.. ra7 3alaich sweety ;P

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ketab 6abkh ha!!
ya 7lelik wallah
what the hell do u mean by that comment... smillah 3ala esmek...

At 7:17 PM, Blogger 7asoon said...

ghasheema my dear
6abeebi el nafsi galli a2alif ketab 6abkh 3ashan i get things back on track in my life :D


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