Thursday, August 03, 2006


type.. delete.. retype

rule #1
big guy always win.. little guy walks home hurt and humiliated.
rule #2
change of status.. not necessarily good
rule #3
mo shar6 kil sharee6 ynazlah rwaished ye6la3 7lo..
rule #4
fellow bloggers are always there for you... yet they're not!
rule #5
never fall behind.. always catch up
rule #6
mixing nerves with arteries? puh-leeez
rule #7
drill.. make mistake.. forgiven.. drill again.. make mistake.. die
rule #8
screw PHI..
rule #9
superheros do exsist.. they just dont wear tights
rule #10
there are no such rules...
dancing under the rain? romantic? no, thank you
so Batman walks into a bar.. he asks for a screwdriver (a drink).. lady bartender says "so how long is your screwdriver?". Batman looks out the window and says ".... Bat signal!".
redbull does not give you wings... it makes you leak... if anything
so many thoughts... so not in the mood
...sometimes it's good to just shut up
do not fight the sleeping fairy.. she knows what she's doing
let go..
close them.. yes..
that's it..
surrender to your dreams..


At 4:26 AM, Blogger jiji said...


lol 3ala elmixing neves with arteries! been there done that ;p damnit theyr too tiney ;p

and wuts all that bickering abt no bloggers being by ur side! i for one always here for u ;)

p.s if u need anything.. ANYTHING just let me know ;)

At 5:45 AM, Blogger ScarlO said...

erm, sorry

At 6:40 AM, Blogger 3baid said...

"do not fight the sleeping fairy"

She'll give you nightmares!

At 1:54 PM, Blogger الاء سعود المجيبل said...

تبي الصج...!!

والله صاج ساعات تحس ان بعض المدونين بعيدين عنك مع انك قريب منهم ....:)

وصج مو شرط كل ابوم للرويشد يطلع حلو...هالمرة طلع مو شيء كلش ..!!


yeah i agree with u...;>

be happy always...^____^

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Sedna said...

LOL 7asoon that was so random I loved it!!

Welcome back :) - and of course you can count on us bloggers (a9lan WE are the superheroes)

At 4:24 PM, Blogger LiLaCs said...

Rule 1-- I adore the little guys ;)

Rule 2-- Never good..

Rule 3--Who is rawashed??

Rule 4-- They never are..

Rule 5-- I have a problem with this one..

Rule 6-- huh?

Rule 7--I love drilling...:D

Rule 8--PHI???

Rule 9-- Superheros must wear tights..Thats the whole point...

Rule 10-- I know..

Love the rain.. Lame joke:P:P Redbull sucks..Shuting up is a very good idea..Just something really hard to do..
I love the tooth fairy..Damn sleeping fairy...

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'r damn sure about sir rwaished, the last album sucks !

and hell yea there are no rules :D

6awalt el'3aiba bo 3alwash ;)

welcome back :D

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Blogger said...

rule #3
mo shar6 kil sharee6 ynazlah rwaished ye6la3 7lo

a7la rule
bs dm ely y'3ny rowaished m3nata 7loooo

At 10:33 PM, Blogger ScarlO said...

Blogger town by next weekend, sir. Or I'll give ye a fong up *there*

(no more fingernails)

At 4:41 PM, Blogger bo_sale7 said...

surrender to your dreams >>>> yes ...well said


At 10:50 AM, Blogger متفرغ said...

i second bo 9ale7 ...... i do agree with u on rule #2, miss the days when i was concerned about submitting my homeworf unlike now a 10000 word dissertation :(

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Faith said...

i always knew you'd become an alcoholic :P
lol jk!! see how im psychologically taking down my ex blogsphere domination partner turned rival =D

love the randomness

At 9:27 AM, Blogger ScarlO said...

New post, mama .. momken? About dental school, 3adi .. anything... about giving my godson away .. ??

I'm angry :-D

At 2:58 AM, Blogger SAJA.S said...

rule #9
superheros do exsist.. they just dont wear tights.
thats so right

Oh thank u ... what is mean if man and women danc under the rain ... nothing romantic in that.. they gonna be so wet and sick!!!!

redbuull.. YUUUUK

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Balqees said...

lalalalalalalaaaaay >> ga3da az'3r6 tara lool :P
7asson finally updated

anyhoo ..
awaln i think that tha whole point of superheros are the tights and cape and sometimes mask thats what make them hot :D

and loooooool @ #10
if theres no such thing as rules why did u write the 9 ones befor :P ??

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Bottle In The Sea!
I know that it's hopeless to write this down, but it would be so great to find what I'm looking for!
Here it goes;

I'm looking for an adult male pure breed West Highland White Terrier.

If you have one, or know someone who has one, or know someone who could help me to find one, I'll be interested in buying it!

So could you all please spread this?

I know that it's a rare breed in Kuwait, but I would love to have it, fix your price!

P.S In case you don't know how it looks like just Google it!


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