Sunday, July 09, 2006

flunk flunk flunk

Bad hair day?:
"You have to do this all over again ya ba6eekh. I can't even think of a project that is as sloppy, bitchy, and gay as yours. Oh, and I also have to write you up."
I took a deep breath, counted backwards from 10... supposed to reach zero.. but would he let me??
"I mean.... what the hell did you expect when you turned in such a shitty work? For god's sake there are coffee drops on the paper...!!!" He continued.
well, you ungrateful son of a bitch, you got me working overtime for the last 2 weeks loading me with assignments that cost me countless hours of sleep and relaxation. What did YOU expect?! Oh, and the coffee?? I meant to do that!!
"Sir, I will make sure this won't happen again... I promise. The project's due in 4 days, just give me chance to correct it". Eyebrows raised now, he looked at me as if i were an insect that should be squashed at once, "CORRECT IT??? What part of do this all over that you do not get??"
The part where spittle started to come outa ur mouth while u where saying it?!
"Then redo it it is... thank you for the opportunity". You asshole... no... even better... a really huge hole surrounded by a stinky ass!!
The Boss (aka the Puss) is off to get on someone else's tits.
One day earlier:
I sat there on my love seat (I really should call it my jerk-off seat.. it's been a while since.... what's that? I'm sharing too much? ok sorry), chicken-skratching down my project. Is the light too dim? No, I think the coffee's too cold.
Nothing is more pleasing and appealing than nature's call right in the midst of your "working habitat". Ok, time to hit the toilet. 1:22 am
Hmm, joint looks dirty... must... clean... must clean... where the hell is my handy dandy Mr. Clean package ?! This shit cost me $14.99 it's gotta be worth it!!
Note to self: you cleaned the bathroom ams ya 7lo!!
Back to my lovely love/jerk-off seat... 3:43 am
Well... how bad could it be? 3 hours and fifteen minutes before I hand this project over to the Puss... and only 2 pages to go.
Why is it so dusty in here? I knew I should've gotten a carpeted appartment.


At 11:23 AM, Blogger LiLaCs said...

I just hope you aint planing on selling that erhm couch..

At 11:30 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

I already sold it to a gay guy... says it smells good

It does have that peachy smell i must admit

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Temetwir said...

hahah that final comment hit a nerve

At 1:48 PM, Blogger LiLaCs said...

Your sick...

At 6:53 PM, Blogger jiji said...

oooh projects.. memories..ghana... ghana`s wife.. ghana cryin abt me to entire faculty.. ghana too mean.. no sleep to finish work for the 1st time in my life!

memories.. :>

and about that seat.. will u... emmm... well.. is it where 7anafi.. does... his... not business.. i mean.. other stuff?

At 11:28 PM, Blogger LiLaCs said...

not only 7anafi..But also the owner of 7anfi..I know..I know...

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Faith said...

that couch/violated seat should be burned!!!!

professors that are punks should be burned too

At 12:47 AM, Blogger UzF said...

lol walla madry shagooll :D

look, next time a bossy person begins flooding you with their useless talk try to block your hearing (you have to fugure a technique) and just look at their mouths moving..

They'll look like fish!

totally hillarious im tellin' ya:D hmm and a j/o couch.. sounds intriguing!

At 12:49 AM, Blogger UzF said...

btw warn your visitors ;p lol

At 4:48 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

aha :P shay la6eef lol

yeah i've been having headaches recentl... oh and I see ghosts

yalla 7amdilla 3al salama...... and yes 7anafi uses the seat too :P

yup yup

don't worry it's as clean as a brushed tooth

i'm gonna try that technique of yours (why do feel like i've seen this in a commercial) :D and will let you know how it works... oh and the love seat :D yuba fetha7toona it's a darn joke lol :D

lemmi get this straigh... ladies and gents... you're telling me that you are willing to get comfy on a "love seat" but not a "j/o seat" ?? :P given that a "love seat" has all what a "j/o seat" has plus that "extra stuff" :P


At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should..

put a warning or some thing..

to this post ..



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