Wednesday, March 28, 2007

yet another pointless blog in

Just when I started to think ,well it's about time I stop hearing the silly "why dentistry" question when I got admitted into dental school... people still come up and ask "are you having any regrets now that your in dental school?" OF COURSE NOT YOU IDIOT!!
word of advice... the last thing you wanna do is get on a dentist's nurve. He holds sharp stuff and he ain't afraid to use'em!

jk ppl...

so how are you all doing? been a long time I know. well it's just that i'm trying to orient myself in terms of school, gym, cooking, and playing xbox.. and so far i'm doing just a cracker jack job.. nah i'm fine stop worrying about me.

Dr. eshda3wa keep those teeth clean and shiny.. you rock.


At 6:25 AM, Blogger No3iK said...


so do uu ??
regret being a dentist :p

allaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ewafgik maan
o malik sh`3l feehum :p they just wanna test u :)

eee were very worried 9ara7a
im glad 6amantna :p

At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*evil smile*
Why dentistry?
Are you having any regrets now that your in dental school?
*gets caught by Dr. Dentist Man and attacked with toothpaste*

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Temetwir said...

thats ironic because i always ask the question: why NOT dentistry to medical students

elso'al ely dayman as'alkom eyah ya ma3shar 6ib elasnaan (and u would know, i asked u no less than 3 times already yemken) is: cham sena bageelek ;]

thakerni sij, cham sena bageelek heheh

At 11:35 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

lol :P nas ma tamshi ella bil 3ain el 7amra.. hala walla zain tenazaltay o0 zertay el blog ehehe.. thanx dear :)

have you ever had a root canal done on you with fork? I can arrange for that! :P jk dear hala walla

Temmetwirrrrr bo3alwa el 7abeeb
hala o0 '3ala bil 7abeeb hala walla... 6al 3omrik es2al gad ma tabi :P ma waray shay ajawbik lol.. hal so2al dayman ythakerni enah ba3ad taw el nas 3ashan ma ashid 7aily wayed lol

At 11:15 AM, Blogger eshda3wa said...

Dr 7asoOoN!
i get asked that question almost everyday, and the runner up is shino tabeen etakha9e9ain?
i dont know khal akhal9 el3elah ele ana feh ba3daiiin..

6afik my patient elyoom, he asked for a mirror took a look at my perfectly drilled cavity and screamed oh my god u drilled a hole in my tooth!! lol, idiot :)

hows the cooking going??

and u totally ROCK!

lets see more of u!

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

why dentistry though....why not a car mechanic :D

wallah I can picture you getting mad at ur patients and "accidently" slash their gums

can i tell u something but plz dont dont offended...I always picture u looking like a hindi...skinny...DARK...with the blackest hair ever =D

ow lat3ayeb 3al hnood...tara ham khelgat allah....7elween ishfehoum :P

At 9:53 PM, Blogger 7asoon said...

hala walla Dr.. i'm glad that some1 here's on the same boat with me. lol 3al pateint el 9aida... 3abala massage session wella shno? ehehe.. dont worry mah dear you'll be seeing a lot of me from now on :).. la7tha sheftay elli shaba el la6eefa elli ta7tich? tgool 3anni hindi :D la7tha atfaham ma3aha lol

hala walla eb ghasheema :D haaaaaa ... walla your close bs not close enough.. you only got the dark hair right ehehe .. walla wil ne3im bil hnood ma 3ndi shay thedhom ;P
*flicks on his injection*

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

correction ana maglt 3anik hindi...gelt I picture u as a can look like Colin Farrel..but still when I see ur nick I picture a hindi behind the pc.

and u are dangerous as a dentist :\

At 1:48 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

ehehe lala i hope i didnt scare you away... there's no safer place than the dental community i assure you dear :)

At 2:45 PM, Blogger GLAMOROUS said...

LOOOL nice post, ur funny ;p

At 5:24 PM, Blogger متفرغ said...

same question asked to medicine students .... they complain about their studies from day one and some even regret studying it .... can't understand it why complain while at the same time putting up with all the stess and completing their studies :)

At 7:06 PM, Blogger eshda3wa said...

wain ele bnshoof more of u haa!!

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eshda3wa 7abibti ur too nice

this is how u do it

agool....enta ow ba3deen ma3k...lesh kasool..lesh mohmel...lesh ma 3ndek 6moo7 :P

yalla update...a7sanlik

eshda3wa...I guess i took it out on 7asoon eh lol
god i feel better now :D

ow enta...tomorrow i will check ur blog and u better have an update..and a nice one ba3d

and yes u do get a plz :)
just becuz i am a bored nice person

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Hasan.B said...

A medical doctor once told me that dentists are not "real" doctors, u cant compare them with medical doctors! can u?

At 8:24 AM, Blogger The Doctor said...

nice post ;)

keep up the good posting habit

At 3:30 AM, Blogger eshda3wa said...

what posting habit?

the guy dosent post anymore

and pissing me offfffff!!!

<--- throws her fone at u

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


raya ow sebeecha are after

yallah wenik...

r u okay dude...or did u get kidnapped.....omggggggggg bas la tkoon with the Virginia Tech studentssss

way7aaaaaaaa galbii

dude for real r u okay :|

At 2:20 AM, Blogger bo_sale7 said...

وانا اقول ليش البلوقات صخة صار لها مدة !!

عسى ما شر وينك ...طمنا عليك ولو حتى بنص كلمة

At 8:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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