Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chat about al-Deera

From cars... to health insurance in Kuwait.........
created recently by two young Kuwaiti guys, Deera Chat podcast is up and running o0 I'm seriously LOVING IT! (this is not a McD ad)
A quite unique way of discussing the issues roaming the Kuwaiti street, and the opinions of many people in such issues.

OMG Ali! such a sexy voice (jk man...)

Guys... YoU RoCK! ;)
keep it up


At 1:19 AM, Blogger eshda3wa said...

i LOVE deera chat!
keep up the good work guys
and the best of luck to you

At 5:12 AM, Blogger Balqees said...

I shouldn't write this and i don't why i'm gonna write it bs ma fhmt alpost ella lma 8ara2too 4 times :S but hey i just woke up o les mtn7a showy << a7la 3ethr bs lool
anyhoo i saw deera chat and its nice, i'm gonna start reading it inshallah :D

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

man it is a Valentine's and you are calling me sexy ... ummmm ... i am faltered ... and i love you too ... and our love should pour in Deera Chat lool
thanks for the lovely post ... and i am only 3a6iy today , trust me i won't be like this tomorrow ;)

At 10:06 PM, Blogger LiLaCs said...

when I said come out of the closet I meant slowly and surely;)

At 6:25 PM, Blogger SOLO said...

Hey 7assoon, LONG LONG TIME bai'9 el9a3aw!! ;p

Yeah, Deera Chat is really an interesting podcast and these two (Ali and Musa'ad) are such great guys and deserve the best =]

At 11:42 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

ee they are gr8 :)

lool ya7lailich :P

hala walla bo3alwa.. shoof eshyebt 3ala nafsi ana lol.. shefikna min lili al7een eheh

couldn't be anymore sure ;)
straigh as a bullet path :P

baaih wainich entay .. 6awal el '3aibaaat.. :P 7ayyala solo 7ayyala

At 8:14 PM, Blogger eshda3wa said...

when exactly did u turn 250 ?

At 11:23 PM, Blogger 7asoon said...

oollllaaa.... where did that # come from? walla ya eshda3wa madri sh9ayer bs I'm not 250... I just turned 92 so don't listen to Blogger.


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