Stay tuned
Blank.... blank, blank, blank, and... blank
These are the messeges that my hands are receiving from my so called "functional" brain. YES, my nurons are shooting blanks. I feel that my mind is blocked from receiving, sending, and interpreting information. Presumably, this-hopefuly temporary- hold off is due to the lack of physical activities that I used to engage in. (swimming, push ups, and yes... walking to campus).
Will be back soon enshalla with some interesting topics. :)
probably from all that magic uve been using lately..
akh ya bo 3ali latgaleb ilmowaji3
imwafag yal 7abeeb
You're just a copycat ..
Better be quick :-p
my brain is kindda blank to .. i don't know why m3 eno i think aloooot
well hope your mind will be full of stuff soon :D
La mo 7achy yal 6ayeb :)
waiting for Your next post ;)
ana el 3aks, when i had exams my brain just wasnt functionining...
now that i'm done, im bursting with energy?
take care w deer balek 3ala 7anafi
na6reen oo inshalla its only temporary..... at least ur blank the only topic that i can think of is the monetary policies that had been implemented in the UK in the 80's boooooring :(
Heeeeey 7asoon, that's too bad .. i didn't use to visit your blog and read nothing of your nice posts, Ohhhh =[
waiting for your nice stuff.. don't be late 7asoon
tabi a36ek afkar?
3endi wayed :P
السلام عليكم ....
الحل هو كوب عصير برتقال
*tge6 ebra bil blog*
*tesma3 echo*
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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