Well, what do you know! it's almost SPRINGBREAK!! eheh some of you might wonder what this break is all about... emmmm let me -briefly- explain:
it's not just "A" break... it is "THE" break :D that is it.. a break.. in spring.. (spring would be the key word here)
the break time may vary from college to college all over the United States, so you might see some spring-breakers floating around while you're still b*tching over a paper due or a project! RELAX.. it's gonna be just fine.. coz U R NEXT ;)
what do you expect from students 2 weeks before the break?
American students: work their @$$es off in school.. and in their jobs! so that when time comes, they know how to get the party started!! ehehe
Kuwaiti students: go to the gym.. as if the poor six-pack (abdominal muscles) would pop out in a coupla weeks!! also buy LOADS of beads..
Latino students: try to convince both kuwaiti and american students to spend springbreak in Miami *wink wink*
During Springbreak...
American students: surfing, dating, swimming, clubbing, and even fighting.. hell it's all good :P as long as nothing is broken
Kuwaiti students: try to hook up with latino girls, american girls, indian, bangali!! they eventually end up giving those beads away to the homeless, then play soccer on the beach. (ham telgoonhom ygezoon 3al Ocean drive bil sayara... :P)
Latino students: working at their dad's, mom's, granpa's, or granma's sivouneer shop (T-shirt with "miami beach" writen on it.. for $14.99) and some are selling pot the students above.
personally.. I think that the beach is the best springbreak spot ever. Why? simply because it gets the stress out of your system just by walking bare-foot on the sands and staring at the................... the Blue ;P
Hope you all spring-breakers enjoy youselves out there wherever you decide to spend the break, and remember KEEP IT SAFE *wink wink wink wink wink* (12 pack for $8.99)
LoooooooooooooL, so funny ..;D
I love the beach
and seems that the Kuwaiti students having fun .;P
حدهم مستانسين الكويتيين ;)
الله يسلمج اختي :)
هذا بوست يشرح أحد العطل المهمة هني في الولايات المتحدة.. و قاعد أقارن فيه بين ثلاث مجموعات من الطلبة الي هم كويتيين و امريكان و لاتينو
و الي ضحكت عليه كويتية اهو شلون الكويتيين محتارين بعمرهم ;P
didnt know you do free translation :-p
That is so true. And that is so cheap, considering the wonders it can do .. *wink wink*
ههههههههههههههههه جوزة فديتج والله..^____*
والله اظحك على اللي كاتبه حسوون موتني من الظحك وانا قاعده اقرا بالدوام هههههههه
ترجميهم من الموقع اللي تستخدمينه وراح تفهمين...^___*
بس حاولي تقراينهم بالانجليزي راح تظحكين اكثر هههههههههه
يبيله والله نيي عندكم ...@!@
لازم اخطط انا والمحامية...:)
واااااو هذا اطراء كبير صراحة اني ضحكج و انشالله دوم اهيهيهي
... يالله خططي انتي و المحامية و سمايل و ريلها .. روحوا ديزني لاند حدها عجيبة.. أو ميامي (بس الله يعينكم عالكويتيين هناك اذا شفتوهم لووول) اهيهي
الله يحييييج بس اهم شي لا تقاطعينا ;)
اصلا صارلنا فترة انا والمحامية نخطط خخخخخخخخ
بس النذلة راحت لندن بدوني اوريهااااااااااااااااا
الحين اذا راحت امريجا بدوني اسويها كفتـــه @!@
الله ميامي @!@ يعني راح اشوف قوادلوبي هههههههههههههههه
جوزة والله خوش موقع جربته وترجم...:)
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