Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Tagged... again... this time by q8tya ehehe
emmm let me see, weird facts about me.. here goes nothing:

1- I can hold my breath under water for 2 minutes and 32 seconds (my dad USED to beat me in this, but now... i'm calling him for a rematch)

2- I can't drive slowly.. no matter what!

3- I'm claustrophobic (fear of closed/small places) and when i get trapped in an elevator i tend to sing, whistle, and tell jokes before i burst into tears (ok i can't beleive i just said that)

4- I can't talk when someone's smoking next to me.. akhtenig!

5- I never actually woke up on the sound of my alarm.. it's either before o0 waaaaay after it's set off :P

6- leman wa7da tge6 badliya.... it's actually a turn on! (call me a weirdo.. its what this post is all about lol)

7- I think Rumaitheya is one of the besteststsstt places in Kuwait!! LOVE IT (wayd good memories)

8- I don't care what people think... blue and green go perfectly together!!

9- ma a7eb ate9il eb rab3i...

10- I'm crazy for bamyah

(i still cannot digest the fact that i just said what i said in #3)
(bamyah is the actual vegetable.. not a girl of my fantasies.. what kinda girl would be named "bamya" anyways?!)


At 9:57 PM, Blogger ScarlO said...

The elevator might stop before you start crying. So it's okay, really. And hey, I cry for sillier reasons :-p

Uh, and I smoke, so dont walk next to me hon ;-)

Rumaithiya, ayam el mitwas6a..

malat 3al bamya :-p~

At 3:19 AM, Blogger الاء سعود المجيبل said...


#2 men 9ejeek ?? wallah law enta jedamy 3alla el highway athbe7eek heheheheeh ;P

#6 eshma3na wa7da laish mo wa7ed ??? ;PpPp

At 10:17 AM, Blogger 7asoon said...

i mean etha el elevator stopped (between floors) hni i freak out ;P

u smoke? i bet ;)

rumaitheya.... emmmmm my heaven

sur3a bs 3ala rekaada (shlon madri ehehe)

wa7d yge6 badliya i laugh at him.. bs etha wa7da laa it's different ;D

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lool that was funny

about #2 ... i have the same problem ( i think it's a problem .. don't ya ? ;) )

and about #9 .. tell me about it !! i don't know why but ijust don't like it !!

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! thats hilarious

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »


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